Professorin Dr. Andrea Kohlhase
Professorin der Fakultät Informationsmanagement
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kovács, Laura, eds. (2024) Intelligent Computer Mathematics : 17th International Conference, CICM 2024, Montréal, QC, Canada, August 5–9, 2024, Proceedings. (öffnet neues Fenster) Cham: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 14960). ISBN 9783031669972
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael
More Interactions in ALeA –
Towards New Added-Value Services based on
Semantic Markup. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: MathUI’23: 14th MathUI Workshop 2023 at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, September, Cambridge, UK.
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea (2017) Domain Dependant Decoding in Math Expressions. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: The 12th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI), A one-day workshop during CICM 2017, July, 17-21, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Ucar, Gamze and Kohlhase, Andrea (2017) Irreführende mentale Modelle bei Smart-TVs. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analyse (LWDA ), Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB, 11.-13. September 2017, Rostock, Germany.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Pollanen, Marco, eds. (2017) MathUI 2017: The 12th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces. (öffnet neues Fenster) MathUI17.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Fürsich, Michael (2017) Visual Structure in Math Expressions. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), July, 17-21, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Libbrecht, Paul, eds. (2016) Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop at CICM. (öffnet neues Fenster)
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Fürsich, Michael (2016) Understanding Mathematical Expressions: An Eye-Tracking Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: The 11th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI16), 25th of July 2016, Bialystok, Poland, pp. 42-50.
- Kohlhase, Andrea (Organizer) and Libbrecht, Paul (Organizer) (2015) Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop at CICM. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: International Conference CICM, July 13-17, 2015, Washington, DC, USA.
- England, Matthew and Davenport, James H. and Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Libbrecht, Paul and Neuper, Walther and Quaresma, Pedro and Sexton, Alan P. and Sojka, Petr and Urban, Josef and Watt, Stephen M., eds. (2014) Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS, and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2014. (öffnet neues Fenster) Aachen: CEUR-WS. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Rieger, Bodo, eds. (2013) Workshop “Knowledge and Experience Management” : Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement. (öffnet neues Fenster) Universität Bamberg, p. 265.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Jucovschi, Constantin and Toader, Alexandru (2013) Full Semantic Transparency : Overcoming Boundaries of Applications. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 14th IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2013), September 2-6, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 406-423. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 8119-3). ISBN 9783642404771
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2013) Human-Spreadsheet Interaction. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 14th IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2013), September 2-6, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 8120). ISBN 9783642404986
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2013) Spreadsheets with a Semantic Layer. (öffnet neues Fenster) Electronic Communications of the EASST: Specification, Transformation, Navigation – Special Issue dedicated to Bernd Krieg-Bru ̈ckner on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, 62. ISSN 1863-2122
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2013) Spreadsheets: From Data Interfaces to Knowledge Interfaces. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop MathUi, July , 9-10, 2013, Bath, UK.
- Kohlhase, Andrea
Navigation in Mathematical Documents. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 24th OpenMath Workshop, the 7th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI), and the Work in Progress Section of CICM ; Vol. 921, 9.-13.Juli 2012, Bremen, Germany, pp. 12-23.
ISBN /ISSN 1613-0073
Volltext abrufen - David, Catalin and Jucovschi, Constantin and Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2012) Semantic Alliance: A Framework for Semantic Allies. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Intelligent Computer Mathematics. Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), July 9–14, 2012, Bremen, Germany, pp. 49-64. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7362). ISBN 9783642313738
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2011) Maintaining Islands of Consistency via Versioned Links. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Intelligent Computer Mathematics – Work in Progress Papers. Ed. by James Davenport, William Farmer, Florian Rabe, and Josef Urban.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2011) Maintaining Islands of Consistency via Versioned Links. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 29th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication (SIGDOC)., October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy, pp. 167-174. ISBN 9781450309363
- Lange, Christoph and Kohlhase, Michael and David, Catalin and Ginev, Deyan and Kohlhase, Andrea and Matican, Bogdan and Mirea, Stefan and Zholudev, Vyacheslav (2011) The Planetary System: Executable Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Papers. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), May 29–June 2, 2011, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, pp. 471-475. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 6644). ISBN 9783642210648
- Kohlhase, Michael and Corneli, Joe and David, Catalin and Ginev, Deyan and Jucovschi, Constantin and Kohlhase, Andrea and Lange, Christoph and Matican, Bogdan and Mirea, Stefan and Zholudev, Vyacheslav
The Planetary System: Web 3.0 & Active Documents for STEM. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Procedia Computer Science: Special issue: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)., 4.
pp. 598-607.
ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2011) Towards a Flexible Notion of Document Context. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 29th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication (SIGDOC).., October 3 - 5, 2011, Pisa, Italy, pp. 181-188. ISBN 9781450309363
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Reichel, Milena
Social Tagging and Learning: The Fuzzy Line between Private and Public Space (Chapter 11). (öffnet neues Fenster)
Novel Developments in Web-Based Learning Technologies: Tools for Modern Teaching. Advances in Web-based Learning (AWBL) / Karacapilidis, Nikos (Ed.).
Hershey: IGI, pp. 199-210.
ISBN 9781605669380
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Lange, Christoph
Dimensions of Formality: A Case Study for MKM in Software Engineering. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 10th ASIC and 9th MKM International conference, and 17th Calculemus conference on Intelligent computer mathematics, July, 5-7, 2010, Paris, France, pp. 355-369.
ISBN 9783642141270
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea
Towards User Assistance for Documents via Interactional Semantic Technology. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 33rd annual German conference on Advances in artificial intelligence (KI'10), September 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 107-115.
(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 6359).
ISBN 9783642161100
Standort und Verfügbarkeit in der Bibliothek - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2010) What we understand is what we get: Assessment in Spreadsheets. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the ) European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRIG), July, 15-16, 2010, Greenwich, United Kingdom, pp. 111-121. ISBN 9781905404506
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Lange, Christoph
sTeX – A System for Flexible Formalization of Linked Data. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems and the 5th International Conference on Pragmatic Web, September, 1-3, 2010, Graz, Austria.
ISBN 9781450300148
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2009) What you get is what you understand: Assessment in SACHS. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) GI-Workshop "Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement" (FGWM-09) located at LWA (Lernen, Wissensentdeckung und Adaptivität, 21.-23. September 2009, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 22-29.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2009) Compensating the Computational Bias of Spreadsheets with MKM Techniques. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 16th Symposium, Calculemus 2009, 8th International Conference, MKM 2009, Held as Part of CICM 2009; "Intelligent Computer Mathematics", July 6-12, 2009, Grand Bend, Canada, pp. 357-372. ISBN 9783642026133
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2009) Spreadsheet Interaction with Frames: Exploring a Mathematical Practice. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the)16th Symposium, Calculemus 2009, 8th International Conference, MKM 2009, Held as Part of CICM 2009 July 6-12, 2009, July 6-12, 2009, Grand Bend, Canada, pp. 341-356. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 5625). ISBN 9783642026133
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2009) Compensating the Computational Bias of Spread-sheets wit MKM-Techniques. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Festschrift in honour of Bernd Krieg-Brückner’s 60th birthday / Hoffmann, Berthold u.a. (Ed.). Bremen: DFKI, pp. 184-200.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2009) Modeling Task Experience in User Assistance Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 27th ACM International Conference on Design of communication (SIGDOC'09), October, 5-7, 2009, Bloomington, IN, USA, pp. 135-142. ISBN 9781605585598
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael
Semantic Transparency in User Assistance Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 27th ACM International Conference on Design of communication (SIGDOC'09), October, 5-7, 2009, Bloomington, IN, USA, pp. 89-96.
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2008) Compensating the Semantic Bias of Spreadsheets. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) LWA Conference / LWA 2008 Workshop-Woche: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivität,, 6.-8. Oktober 2008, Würrzburg, Germany.
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2008) MS PowerPoint Use from a Micro-Perspective. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA-2008), June 30-July 4, 2008, Wien, Austria, pp. 1279-1286.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2008) Semantic Knowledge Management for Education. (öffnet neues Fenster) Proceedings of the IEEE; Special Issue on Educational Technology, 96 (6). pp. 970-989. ISSN 1558-2256
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Müller, Normen
Added-Value: Getting People into Semantic Work Environments. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments: Techniques, Methods, and Applications. / Rech, Jörg et al. (Eds).
Hershey: Information Science Reference, pp. 185-205.
ISBN 9781599048772
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Reichel, Milena (2008) Embodied Conceptualizations: Social Tagging and E-Learning. (öffnet neues Fenster) International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies : IJWLTT, 3 (1). pp. 58-67. ISSN 1548-1093
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Schelhowe, Heidi and Lund, Michael (2007) What Can the Hundred Languages of Children Teach Us? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Mensch und Computer Interaktion 2007 : Interaktion im Plural / Gross, Tom (Hrsg.). München: Oldenbourg Verlag, pp. 189-198. (Konferenzreihe Mensch und Computer; 7-2007). ISBN 9783486584967
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2007) Semantic PowerPoint: Content and Semantic Technology for Educational Added-Value Services in MS PowerPoint. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) EdMedia + Innovate Learning : World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June, 25th, 2007, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 3576-3583. ISBN 9781880094624
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2007) The Music is not in the Piano: Engaging vs. Enabling MS PowerPoint. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (SITE'07), March 26th, 2007, San Antonio, TX, USA, pp. 2026-2028. ISBN 978-1-880094-61-7
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2007) CPoint — ein invasiver, semantischer Editor für Content in MS Power- Point. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Offene Bildung im/mit dem Web 2.0!?! 3. Interdisziplinäre EduMedia Tagung, 16.-17. April 2007, Salzburg. Salzburg Research, pp. 116-118.
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2007) Learner and Learning Technology: The Interaction Process as a Full Partnership. (öffnet neues Fenster) ECTI Transactions Journal.
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2007) Reexamining the MKM Value Proposition: From Math Web Search to Math Web ReSearch. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 14th Symposium, Calculemus 2007, 6th International Conference, MKM 2007, June, 27-30, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria, pp. 313-326. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 4573). ISBN 9783540730835
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2007) Semantic Perspectives on Knowledge Management and E-Learning. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Lernen, Wissen, Adaption (LWA), Workshop FGIR, 24.-26.9.2007, Halle, Germany, pp. 281-288.
- Kohlhase, Andrea
Media or Medea Society? Learner and Learning Technology as Full Partners. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Digital Media and Learning (ICDML ), March, 13-14, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 6-11.
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea (2006) CPoint – ein invasiver, semantischer Editor für wiederverwendaren Content in MS PowerPoint. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings der) Pre-Conference Workshops der 4.e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik DeLFI, 11.-14.09.2006, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 35-42. ISBN 9783832513306
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Reichel, Milena (2006) Embodied Constructionist Learning: Social Tagging and Folksonomies in E-Learning Environments. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE2006); "Current Developments in Technology- Assisted Education ; Vol. 3" (Mendez-Vilas, A. ed.), November, 22-25, 2006, Seville, Spain. ISBN 9788469024744
- Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2006) An Exploration in the Space of Mathematical Knowledge. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 4th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM), July 15-17, 2005, Bremen, Germany, pp. 17-32. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3863). ISBN /ISSN 0302-9743
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2006) The User as Prisoner: How the Dilemma Might Dissolve. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 2nd International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management and KM-Oriented Learning (LOKMOL 06), in conjunction with the First European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 06), October 1-2, 2006, Crete, Greece, pp. 26-31.
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2006) What if PowerPoint became emPowerPoint (through CPoint)? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), March, 19th, 2006, Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 2934-2939. ISBN 9781880094587
- Kohlhase, Andrea
Overcoming Proprietary Hurdles: CPoint as Invasive Editor. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: Conference Proceedings "Open Source for Education in Europe, Research & Practise", November, 14-15, 2005, Heerlen, NL, pp. 51-56.
ISBN 90 358 2318 4
Volltext abrufen - Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael (2004) CPoint: Dissolving the Author’s Dilemma. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM), 19.-21. September 2004, Bialowieza, Poland, pp. 175-189. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 3119).
- Kohlhase, Andrea (2004) CPoint’s Mathematical User Interface. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI).
- Kohlhase, Michael and Sutner, Klaus and Jansen, Peter and Kohlhase, Andrea and Lee, Peter and Scott, Dana and Szudzik, Matthew (2002) Acquisition of Math Content in an Academic Setting. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 2nd International Conference on MathML and Technologies for Math on the Web, June, 28-30, 2002, Chicago, USA.