In­sti­tute for Di­gital Trans­form­a­tion (IDT)

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] IDT-Team präsen­tiert Pa­per zum Thema "Er­folgs­faktoren eines di­gitalen Wei­t­er­bildung­sange­bots" auf der Col­lab­or­at­ive European Re­search Con­fer­ence 2023

(opens in a new window)

[Translate to English:] Mitarbeitende des IDT haben ihre Forschung im Bereich digitale Weiterbildung auf der Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) 2023 einem internationalen Publikum vorgestellt. Das präsentierte Papers widmete sich der Ableitung potenzieller Erfolgsfaktoren für digitale Weiterbildungsangebote. 

Re­search­ing, ex­plain­ing and shap­ing the di­gital fu­ture.

The Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) is a research unit at HNU that focuses on the digital transformation of medium-sized companies. It was founded in 2016. The current team consists of Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang (center), Prof. Manfred A. Plechaty (right) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo (left).

Within the scope of the practice-oriented research projects and studies, findings are generated that are made available to science and practice. Companies and, in particular, the cooperation partners gain access to current knowledge, applicable methods and benchmarks relating to the topic of digital transformation.

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, Prof. Klaus Lang und Prof. Manfred Plechaty diskutieren bei einem Workshop


Researching the digital future

[Translate to English:] Teilnehmende des BMWi-Projektes „Smarte Transformatoren für die Zukunft des Maschinenbaus“ beim Verbundkoordinator BLOCK

We are researching potentials, business models and methods for the digital transformation of medium-sized companies and public organizations.

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Explaining the digital future

We teach applications, technologies and challenges of digitalization and apply new agile ways of working like Design Thinking.

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Shaping the digital future

We support medium-sized companies and public institutions in mastering the challenges of digital transformation.

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IDT Open Lab

Organisatoren und Referenten bei der ersten Ausgabe des IDT Open Labs an der Hochschule Neu-Ulm

In­form, Ex­change, Net­work

(opens in a new window)

The IDT Open Lab is a series of events organized by the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT).  The IDT Open Lab is characterized by short impulse presentations from science and practice on trends, technologies and best practices in digital transformation.  With the IDT Open Lab, we foster the exchange between experts from business and science on current digital transformation topics.  The IDT Open Lab takes place twice a year in the Innovation Space at HNU (virtually from summer 2020).

IDT "Di­gital Ma­tur­ity" Quickcheck

And what is your company's digital maturity level?

By answering ten questions, you get an initial overview of the current state and the need for action for your company. The tool focuses primarily on Industrie 4.0 aspects, such as the implementation of digital business models and processes, the involvement of employees in the digital transformation of the company, or the degree of digitization of services and the customer interface. The online tool was developed by professors Manfred Plechaty and Dr. Klaus Lang on behalf of Minnosphere GmbH and was used in a study by the Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (Ifaa), which looked at ten leading tools for determining the maturity of the degree of digitization.

Click here for the maturity assessment (opens in a new window)

Menschichen Hand zeichnet einen Graph in Koordinatensystem


Professor Dr. Klaus Lang

Pro­fessor Dr. Klaus Lang

Managing Director of the „Institute for Digital Transformation“

Dean of Studies of the Department of Information Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1510

Location: Main Building A, A.1.54

To profile of Professor Dr. Klaus Lang

Professor Manfred A. Plechaty

Pro­fessor Man­fred A. Ple­chaty

Managing Director of the „Institute for Digital Transformation“

Information Management

Internship Coordinator for Information Management Automotive

To profile of Professor Manfred A. Plechaty

Daniel Schallmo

Pro­fessor Dr. Daniel Schallmo

Professor für Digitale Transformation und Entrepreneurship

Studiengangleitung Master Digitale Transformation und Global Entrepreneurship

Leiter des Instituts für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Mitglied des Instituts für Digitale Transformation

Phone: 0731/9762-1531

Location: Edisonallee 1, E1.1.02

To profile of Professor Dr. Daniel Schallmo

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