Counselling services

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is an educational institution where students and employees should find a good place to learn and work. As a family-friendly university, we offer counselling for all university members in challenging or difficult situations. Here you will find an overview of our services.

Study orientation

Which degree programme suits me? HNU offers numerous advising services to help you decide on the right course of study.

Study counselling

Are you looking for a suitable course of study or are you facing other challenges in your studies? The Student Advisory Service will help you and give you detailed advice.

Study & Examination Departments

We n support you with all questions and issues relating to your studies, from application to exmatriculation.

International Office

We support students in their plans to spend a period of their studies abroad and welcome international students to HNU.

Career Service

With the Career Service of Neu-Ulm University, we would like to make the transition from your studies to professional life easier for you with our range of events and services.

Women's representative

The women's representatives advise and support female students, academic staff, female teachers and female professors. They do this through personal counseling, seminars and workshops, networks, promotion of doctorates, and through their participation in university committees such as appointment committees and the senate.

Counselling Centre for Parents, Personal and Social Affairs (BIZEPS)

In order to make it easier for you to reconcile your studies or career with your family/private life, the HNU has set up a service centre that provides a wide range of information, advice and pragmatic assistance.

Student representation

The student representatives represent all your interests vis-à-vis the university and the various committees.

Diversity and anti-discrimination

HNU strives to be a place to learn and live where diversity is valued and encouraged. We actively oppose discrimination and provide outreach and support in the event of discrimination, harassment or disadvantage.

Mental Health First Aid-Network

We don't always feel good right away, sometimes we even feel really bad. In these moments, the network of trained Mental Health First Aid helpers is there for the members of Neu-Ulm University!