Professor Dr. Klaus Lang
Managing Director of the „Institute for Digital Transformation“
Dean of Studies of the Department of Information Management

- Corporate Governance und Performance Management
- Strategic Information Management
- IT-Strategy
- IT-Governance
- IT-Service Management
- Design Thinking
- Refa-education
- Studies of business administration with focus on business informatics and industrial business administration at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- doctorate in the field of business informatics in cooperation with Siemens AG (reference process modeling with process modules)
- many years of work as a management consultant with focus on
- development of corporate strategies
- modeling of IT strategies, IT concepts and IT development planning
- business process modeling and optimization
- conception of management and controlling systems - last position: head of a consulting unit at Siemens AG
- Stirzel, Martin
Collaboration im Freigabemanagement von Bauteilen in einem OEM-Supplier-Ökosystem der Automobilindustrie. (opens in a new window)
Digitale Plattformen und Ökosysteme im B2B-Bereich : Fallstudien, Ansätze, Technologien und Tools / Schallmo, Daniel R.A., Kundisch, Dennis, Lang, Klaus, Hasler, Daniel (Hrsg.); 1
Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, pp. 267-288.
(Schwerpunkt Business Model Innovation).
ISBN 9783658431297
view fulltext - Lang, Klaus and Schallmo, Daniel and Grathwohl, Marius and Mayr, Carolin and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina
Towards a Classification Framework of Smart Services for Machine Manufacturers. (opens in a new window)
In: (Proceedings of the) XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", June, 5-8, 2022, Copenagen, Denmark.
(LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications).
ISBN 9789523356948
view fulltext - Lang, Klaus and Hasler, Daniel and Hackl, Tobias and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina
A systems theory-based conceptual framework for holistic digital transformation. (opens in a new window)
In: (Proceedings of the) The ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating Our Common Future,, 20.-23. Juni 2021, Berlin, Germany.
ISBN 9789523354678
view fulltext - Hasler, Daniel and Schallmo, Daniel and Hackl, Tobias and Lang, Klaus (2020) Understanding Digital Platforms in B2B: Literature Review and Case Studies. (opens in a new window) In: (Proceedings of the) ISPIM Connects Global "Celebrating the World of Innovation", December 6-8, 2020, Virtual. ISBN 9789523355668
- Schallmo, Daniel and Williams, Christopher A. and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina and Lang, Klaus (2020) Applying Design Thinking During The COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education. (opens in a new window) In: (Proceedings of the) ISPIM Connects Global "Celebrating the World of Innovation", December 6-8, 2020, Virtual. ISBN 9789523355668
- Schallmo, Daniel and Lang, Klaus and Hasler, Daniel and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina and Williams, Christopher A. (2020) An Approach for a Digital Maturity Model for SMEs based on Their Requirements. (opens in a new window) In: (Proceedings of the) XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference – "Innovating Our Common Future", 7-10 June 2020, Berlin, Germany (virtual). ISBN 9789523354661
- Schallmo, Daniel and Williams, Christopher A. and Lang, Klaus and Boardman, Luke (2019) Digital Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : A Systematic Literature Review. (opens in a new window) In: (Proceedings of the) XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference, June 16-19, Florence, Italy. ISBN 9789523353510
- Schallmo, Daniel and Williams, Christopher A. and Lang, Klaus (2018) An Integrated Design Thinking Approach : Literature Review, Basic Principles and Roadmap for Design Thinking. (opens in a new window) In: (Proceedings of the) XXIX ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovation, The Name of The Game", June, 17-20, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 9789523352193
- Schallmo, Daniel and Lang, Klaus and Plechaty, Manfred (2017) Digitale Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen - ein praxisorientierter Ansatz für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung. (opens in a new window) Industrie 4.0 Management, 33. pp. 78-82. ISSN 1434-1980
Lang, K., Weiß Nina: Frühzeitig strategisch Personalbedarf decken. In: IHK, Talente fördern - Wirtschaft stärken, 2011.
Lang, K., Taumann, W., Bodendorf, F.: Business Process Reengineering with reusable Reference Process Building Blocks, in: Scholz-Reiter, B., Stickel, E.: Business Process Modelling, Berlin/New York 1996.
Lang, K., Glunde, J., Bodendorf, F.: A Framework for reusable Reference Process Building Blocks, SIG OIS Bulletin 16(1997)1.
Lang, K., Bodendorf, F.: Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen auf der Basis von Prozeßbausteinbibliotheken, HMD: Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 34(1997)1, Heft 198, S. 83 ff.
Lang, K., Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen mit Referenzprozessbausteinen, Gabler-DUV-Verlag, Wiesbaden 1997.
Research focus
- Digital business models
- Maturity models for enterprise digitization
Background experience
Many years of experience as a management consultant with a focus on the development of corporate strategies, conception and introduction of balanced scorecards, modeling of IT strategies, IT concepts and IT development planning, business process modeling and optimization.
More Information
Office hours
Friday 1 pm to 2 pm
Please contact me in advance via e-mail or phone to arrange an appointment.