Con­cep­tional cli­mate pro­tec­tion

The path to a cli­mate pro­tec­tion concept

Qualitative as-is analysis & greenhouse gas balance

  • Survey of the climate protection activities already taking place and the energy-related framework conditions.
  • Draw up an energy and greenhouse gas balance:
    • Recording of relevant energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by source and energy carrier.
    • Properties considered: A-building, B-building
    • HNU balance year: 2022

Potential analysis & scenario development

  • In the potential analysis, technically and economically feasible savings potentials are identified.
  • A scenario development is carried out on the basis of the potential analysis.

Concrete reduction targets

The overall goal of Neu-Ulm University is to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

With this goal, HNU is essentially following the goals of the Bavarian state government and implementing the climate neutrality goal of the federal government ahead of schedule.
The prerequisite for achieving the goal is that the necessary funds are made available by the responsible body.

In addition, HNU aims to further sensitise university members to the topics of climate protection and sustainability and to integrate these topics even more strongly into everyday university life.

In achieving our goals, we are guided by the guiding principle: avoid emissions, reduce emissions and compensate for emissions that cannot be avoided or reduced.

Stakeholder participation & networks

The climate protection concept will be drawn up with the broad involvement of the relevant stakeholders, especially university members. To this end:

  • The project will be presented in various meetings (university management, staff meeting, faculties, departments, etc.),
  • Surveys on IT use and mobility will be conducted, and
  • Workshops with interested university members

Since the creation and implementation of the climate protection concept is carried out at all Bavarian universities, the climate protection managers work closely together.

Catalogue of measures

In order to ensure the implementation of the identified savings potentials, a catalogue of several measures is developed for the different fields of action. This catalogue of measures serves as an orientation and guideline in the follow-up project, i.e. implementation.

Communication strategy

Effective and targeted communication and public relations work should inform university members and motivate them to implement the programme.

Continuation strategy & controlling concept

In order to sustainably anchor the topic of climate protection at the university, a continuation strategy is being developed. In addition, the controlling concept serves to continuously monitor the effectiveness of the measures developed and the targeted implementation of the climate protection concept.