Lib­rary for ex­ternal users / alumni

Lib­rary ac­count

Account creation

We are available to all citizens aged 14 and over in the greater Ulm/Neu-Ulm area (see map of area covered (opens in a new window)) for academic purposes and personal further education.

You can get a library card as follows:

  • Fill out our web registration form. (You do not need to print anything out).
  • On the following opening day, come to the library with your identity card (or passport and registration certificate or a comparable official identification document with photo and address proving that you live in the region. Unfortunately, we cannot accept unofficial documents such as student IDs or documents without a photo or address (e.g. driving licence)).
  • We will hand out your library card on site. You pay the one-time registration fee of € 5.00 at the library's fee machine.

If you are a minor (at least 14 years old), a parent or guardian must give their consent. For this purpose, there is a printable document within our web registration form that you can print out, have signed and bring with you to pick up your library card.

Account renewal/reactivation

The library account expires every 2 years; you will be informed via mail. You can reactivate such an inactive account within the following 12 months free of charge by informally providing us with your current address and e-mail address, e.g. via the contact options on our homepage. From this point on, it will be valid again for another 2 years.

If, on the other hand, the account remains inactive for more than 12 months, the account will be deleted. If you open an account again after that, the account creation fee will be due again.

If your library account has been suspended for any other reason, you will also be notified by mail. In this case, please contact us during our service hours. You can find the times and contact options on our homepage.

Account deletion

You can renew your library card every two years for free. Thus, you could use the library indefinitely.

If you do no longer need your library account, please print our account deletion form (in German) (opens in a new window), fill in your data, attach your Campus Card and put it in the HNU letter box at the main entrance.

We can only delete your account if there are no more media or fees on it.

Lend­ing, re­newal, re­turn

Lending on site

  1. Before you visit the library, please note down the signatures of the required media (starting with 100/...) from our library catalogue (opens new window).
  2. In the reading room you can pick up the required media yourself at the shelf. You can get an overview in our floor plan.
  3. Borrow the media at the self-service check-out counter.

Extension of the loan period

You can extend the loan periods of all borrowable media from our collection in your account in the library catalogue (opens new window) (opens in a new window).

  • An extension is only possible if the item has not been reserved by another person.
  • The renewal period for books is 2 weeks for external library customers.
  • Renewals can be made in the week before the end of the loan period.
  • A total of three renewals is possible. If you still need the media after that, please present them at the library service desk: We will then book them back and lend them to you again.

You will usually receive a reminder by email 5 opening days before the loan period ends. Please make sure you keep to your deadline yourself. If the automatic email reminder is not delivered, this does not entitle you to a reduction of the reminder fee.

Interlibrary loans cannot be renewed by yourself. Please send us your renewal request via the contact form. We will then ask the library of origin whether a renewal is possible.



Books can be returned to the library service desk during opening hours. Outside library opening hours, you can put the books in the return boxes in the foyer, and they will be returned on the next opening day. 

It is also possible to return the books as a parcel.

On­line of­fer­ings

Online media

Access to licensed databases and e-books is possible for external customers only in the library. A limited number of research PCs are available for this purpose.

You cannot access online media off-campus: Remote access is only available to HNU members. 

Trainings as video tutorials

Our training courses are available as free video video tutorials . You will find many tips on research and citation software, but also topics such as self-management in your academic studies.

In the lib­rary rooms

Learning and workstations

Learning places can be used without registration. 

Copying and scanning

  • The book scanner next to the periodicals shelves can be used free of charge, you just need a USB stick.
  • In the Copy Room of the library, the multifunction copier as well as the book scanner can be used again.