Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald
Forschungsprofessor für Informationsmanagement
Direktor am Institut für Digitale Innovation (IDI)

- Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Anwendungssysteme im Gesundheitswesen
- Dienstleistungsmanagement
- IT-Anwendungssysteme
- Business Process Modeling (engl.)
- Business Information Systems (engl.)
- Introduction to Information Systems Research
- Methoden und Techniken des Consulting
- Projektmanagement
- IT-Management
- IT-Controlling
- 2010 Berufung als Professor für Informationsmanagement an die Hochschule Neu-Ulm
- 2008 bis 2010 Senior Manager in der internationalen Strategieberatung
Oliver Wyman in den Büros London und Frankfurt - 2003 bis 2006 Promotionsstipendium der IBM Deutschland GmbH
Promotion am eFinanceLab der Universitäten Frankfurt und Darmstadt
Thema: "The Risks and Benefits of Business Process Outsourcing - An Empirical Study of the German Banking Industry" - 2001 bis 2008 Partner in der Unternehmensberatung der
IBM Deutschland - Global Business Services - Von 1998 bis 2001 Principal Consultant in der
PricewaterhousCoopers Unternehmensberatung - 1992 bis 1998 Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an den
Universitäten Bamberg, Edinburgh und Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Finanzwirtschaft
- Unternehmensführung und Controlling
- Systementwicklung und Datenbankanwendung - 1990 bis 1992 Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann bei der
Städtischen Sparkasse Bremerhaven
Mitgliedschaften in Organisationen
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik, Arbeitskreis Digital Health
- Alumni E-Finance Lab, Frankfurt
- Stiftung für die Wissenschaft der Sparkassenfinanzgruppe
- Haug, Maximilian and Maier, Christian and Gewald, Heiko and Weitzel, Tim
Supporting opinions to fit in: a spiral of silence-theoretic explanation for establishing echo chambers and filter bubbles on social media. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Internet Research, 35 (7).
pp. 30-51.
ISSN 1066-2243
Volltext abrufen
- Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut and Wagner, Heinz-Theo
My way, your way, or no way? How Mobility-as-a-Serviceecosystems emerge. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information Systems and e-Business Management.
pp. 1-44.
ISSN 1617-9854
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Reiter, Julia and Gewald, Heiko (2024) Anger and Sadness — Coping Strategies to Manage Negative User Interaction on Instagram. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) “People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together”, June, 13-19, 2024, Paphos, Cyprus, Paper 1868. ISBN 9781958200100
- Milovich, Michael and Riemenschneider, Cynthia and Reychav, Iris and Gewald, Heiko (2024) Considering Older Adults in Mainstream Technology Development: A Panel Report from AIS Women’s Network ICIS 2022. (öffnet neues Fenster) Communications of the Association for Information Systems : CAIS, 54 (P25). pp. 680-698. ISSN 1529-3181
- Haug, Maximilian and Reiter, Julia and Gewald, Heiko
Content creators on Instagram - How users cope with stress on social media. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Telematics and Informatics Reports, 13.
ISSN 2772-5030
Volltext abrufen - Schroeder, Tanja and Haug, Maximilian and Georgiou, Andrew and Seaman, Karla and Gewald, Heiko
Evidence of How Physicians and Their Patients Adopt mHealth
Apps in Germany: Exploratory Qualitative Study. (öffnet neues Fenster)
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 12.
Digital Paper 48345.
ISSN 2291-5222
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Finze, Nikola and Gewald, Heiko and Salou, Tanja (2024) Exploring the Role of Emotions in Continuous Use of Activity Trackers. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), May, 2-4, 2024, Washington D.C., USA.
- Haug, Maximilian and Finze, Nikola and Gewald, Heiko and Salou, Tanja (2024) Happiness and Sadness - Exploring the Role of Emotions in Continuous Use of Activity Trackers. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS), October, 11-12, 2024, Piacenza, Italy.
- Seerig, Kirsten H. and Haug, Maximilian and Maier, Alexander and Gewald, Heiko
The Healing Power of Words: Examining the Effect of Communication Styles on Appreciation within the Hospital Setting. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Procedia Computer Science, 231.
pp. 305-310.
ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen - Finze, Nikola and Jechle, Deinera and Faußer, Stefan A. and Gewald, Heiko
How are We Doing Today? Using Natural Speech Analysis
to Assess Older Adults’ Subjective Well-Being. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Business & Information Systems Engineering : BISE.
ISSN 1867-0202
Volltext abrufen - Seerig, Kirsten H. and Kim, Kathrin and Gewald, Heiko
The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Older Adults’ Use of Mobile Health Applications. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE) "Digital Health & Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems", August, 25-29, 2024, Athens, Greece, pp. 509-510.
(Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; 316).
ISBN 9781643685335
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly
Introduction to the Minitrack Digital Innovations for the Aging Society. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-57), January, 3-6, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA, p. 3384.
ISBN 9780998133171
Volltext abrufen - Schroeder, Tanja and Kamalakkannan, Abbish and Seaman, Karla and Ngyen, Amy and Siette, Joyce and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
Perception of middle-aged and older adults towards mHealth apps: A
comparative factor analysis between Australia and Germany. (öffnet neues Fenster)
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 189.
Paper 105502.
ISSN 1872-8243
Volltext abrufen - Zimmermann, Sina and Dauter, Johannes and Gewald, Heiko
Promoting Sports and Wellness with Social Media Advertising – An Analysis of Different Marketing Channels. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) The 9th Workshop on Adults' Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH) in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of ICTH, November, 7-9, 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan, pp. 311-316.
(Procedia Computer Science; 231).
ISBN / ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen - Finze, Nikola and Gewald, Heiko (2024) Redefining the White Coat: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Professional Identity of Physicians. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), May, 2-4, 2024, Washington D.C., USA.
- Haug, Maximilian and Maier, Christian and Gewald, Heiko
Social Media and Me: How Community Identity Influences Click Speech. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Journal of Computer Information Systems : JCIS, 64.
ISSN 2380-2057
Volltext abrufen - Seerig, Kirsten H. and Kim, Kathrin and Gewald, Heiko (2024) Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Health Applications: Insights from User Tests with Older Adults. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 19th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 (WI24), 16.-19. September 2024, Würzburg, Germany.
- Schroeder, Tanja and Nguyen, Amy D. and Seaman, Karla and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
Utilising Mobile Health Apps – A Comparison of GP Perceptions Across Australia and Germany. (öffnet neues Fenster)
MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible : Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics / Bichel-Findlay, J. et al. (Eds).
IOS Press, pp. 424-428.
(Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; 310).
ISBN 9781643684567
Volltext abrufen - Schroeder, Tanja and Seaman, Karla and Nguyen, Amy and Siette, Joyce and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
What would it take to improve the uptake and utilisation of mHealth applications among older Australians? A qualitative study. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Australian Health Review, 48 (1).
pp. 28-33.
ISSN 1449-8944
Volltext abrufen
- Zimmermann, Sina and Schulz, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Motivating change in commuters’ mobility behaviour: Digital nudging for public transportation use. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Journal of Decision Systems.
ISSN 2116-7052
Volltext abrufen - Eggers, Julia and Häge, Marie-Christin and Zimmermann, Sina and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Assessing Process Mining Use Cases: A Taxonomy of Antecedents and Value Potentials of Process Mining. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) "Diving Into Uncharted Waters" ; Vol. 5, August, 10-12, 2023, Panama City, Panama, Paper 1379.
- Zimmermann, Sina K. and Feike, Paula L. and Hein, Andreas and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Combined Digital Nudging to Leverage Public Transportation Use. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) "Co-creating Sustainable Digital Futures", June, 11-16, 2023, Kristiansand, Norway, RP 300.
- Seerig, Kirsten H. and Finze, Nikola and Yang, Cui and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Digital Follow-up after Surgery – A Randomized Controlled Trial and its Effects on Patients’ Adherence and Doctor-Patient Relationship. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 18th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 (WI23) ; 53, 18.-21. September 2023, Paderborn, Germany, Paper 270.
- Schroeder, Tanja and Seaman, Karla and Nguyen, Amy and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
Enablers and inhibitors to the adoption of mHealth apps by patients – A qualitative analysis of German doctors’ perspectives. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Patient Education and Counseling : PEC, 114.
Article 107865.
ISSN 1873-5134
Volltext abrufen - Finze, Nikola and Büscher, Marie-Luise and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Gewald, Heiko (2023) IT Governance Mechanisms, Employees’ Digital Mindset, and Behavioral Outcomes. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July, 8-12, 2023, Nanchang, China.
- Zimmermann, Sina and Schulz, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2023) The Influence of Physical and Virtual Servicescapes on Public Transportation Choices. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 20th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ITAIS), October, 13-14, 2023, Turin, Italy.
- Seerig, Kirsten H. and Haug, Maximilian and Maier, Alexander and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Informal Hierarchies - Ramifications for Nursing and Interprofessional Communication in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 13th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), May, 4-6, 2023, Washington D.C., USA.
- Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Integrating development and operations teams: A control
approach for DevOps. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information and Organization, 33.
Digital Page 100474.
ISSN 1471-7727
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly (2023) Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Innovations for the Aging Society. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 3-6, 2023, Maui, HI, USA, p. 2900.
- Schroeder, Tanja and Dodds, Laura and Georgiou, Andrew and Gewald, Heiko and Siette, Joyce
Older Adults and New Technology: Mapping Review of the Factors Associated With Older Adults’ Intention to Adopt Digital Technologies. (öffnet neues Fenster)
JMIR Aging, 6.
ISSN 2561-7605
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Privacy is Important! Or not? – Commenting and Liking Under Confirmation Bias on Social Media. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) "Diving into Uncharted Waters" ; Vol. 11, August, 10-12, 2023, Panama City, Panama, Paper 1785.
- Schroeder, Tanja and Seaman, Karla and Nguyen, Amy and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
Social Determinants of Mobile Health App Adoption - A Qualitative Study of Older Adults' Perceptions in Australia. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: Conference on Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI), July, 5-6, 2023, Sydney, AUS, pp. 81-85.
(Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; 304).
ISBN 9781643683997
Volltext abrufen - Zimmermann, Sina K. and Schulz, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Kaus, Alexander F. and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Why Specialized Service Ecosystems Emerge—the Case of Smart
Parking in Germany. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information System Frontiers : ISF.
ISSN 1572-9419
Volltext abrufen
- Thaler, Fabian and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko and Brune, Philipp (2022) The Context sets the Tone - A Literature Review on Emotion Recognition from Speech using AI. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 19th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS), October, 14-15, 2022, Catanzaro, Italy.
- Finze, Nikola and Frey, Julian and Hund, Axel and Beimborn, Daniel and Gewald, Heiko (2022) Cross-functional Identity? The Impact of Scaled-agile Organizations’ Transformation Processes on Professional Role Identity. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) / Pre-ICIS Workshop, December 11, 2022, Copenagen, Denmark.
- Schroeder, Tanja and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko
Data Privacy Concerns Using mHealth Apps and Smart Speakers: Comparative Interview Study Among Mature Adults. (öffnet neues Fenster)
JMIR formative research, 6 (6).
ISSN 2561-326X
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly (2022) Introduction to the Seniors' Use of Digital Resources Minitrack. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2022, Maui, HI, USA, p. 4166.
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2022) Privacy in the Pandemic - Commenting and Liking Behavior on Social Media Concerning COVID-19. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), March, 4-5, 2022, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Jussli, Alexandra and Kim, Kathrin and Gewald, Heiko and Thatcher, Jason B. (2022) SeniorDT: A Design Thinking-Based Approach to Requirements Engineering Involving Elderly Users. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) "The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research", June, 1-3, 2022, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, pp. 351-362. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 13229). ISBN 9783031065163
- Haug, Maximilian and Schroeder, Tanja and Gewald, Heiko and Burth, Laura (2022) This Disease Scares Me! Influences on Adoption of Mobile Health Applications by Seniors. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS), February, 9-11, 2022, San Carlos, Costa Rica, pp. 140-149. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; 414). ISBN 9783030962937
- Gewald, Heiko and Wagner, Heinz-Theo (2022) Using Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis to Move from Traditional to Adaptive IT Governance. (öffnet neues Fenster) MIS Quarterly executive, 21 (4). Article 7, 287-299. ISSN 1540-1960
- Schulz, Thomas and Böhm, Markus and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Smart mobility – an analysis of potential customers’ preference structures. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Electronic markets : The International Journal on Networked Business, 31 (1).
pp. 105-124.
ISSN 1422-8890
Volltext abrufen - Schulz, Thomas and Zimmermann, Sina and Böhm, Markus and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Value co-creation and co-destruction in service ecosystems: The case of the Reach Now app. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170 (Sep).
ISSN 0040-1625
Volltext abrufen - Zimmermann, Sina K. and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Rössler, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2021) The Role of Utilitarian vs. Hedonic Factors for the Adoption of AI-based Smart Speakers. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) "Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship" ; Paper 1236, August, 9-13,2021, Montreal, Canada (online).
- Thaler, Fabian and Faußer, Stefan A. and Gewald, Heiko
Using NLP to analyze whether customer statements comply with their inner belief. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Gewald, Heiko and Weitzel, Tim
Contradictions and Interventions in Health IS - A Framework Based on Activity Theory. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 63.
pp. 689-710.
ISSN 1867-0202 (Online)
Volltext abrufen - Thaler, Fabian and Gewald, Heiko
Language Characteristics supporting early Alzheimer's diagnosis trough machine leaning - a literature review. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Health informatics - An International Journal : HIIJ, 10 (1).
ISSN 2319-2046
Volltext abrufen - Schroeder, Tanja and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2021) The Ambivalence of Mhealth Apps - A Qualitative Research on Techno-stressors of Mobile Health Applications. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) "Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship" ; Paper 1543, August, 9-13,2021, Montreal, Canada (online).
- Schroeder, Tanja and Schulz, Thomas and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2021) A Conceptual Framework for a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) ; Paper 350, July, 12-14, 2021, Dubai, UAE.
- Zimmermann, Sina and Hein, Andreas and Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2021) Digital Nudging Toward Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Literature Review. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) ; Paper 73, July, 12-14, 2021, Dubai, UAE.
- Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly
Introduction to the Seniors' Use of Digital Resources Minitrack. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 5-8, 2021, Virtual, pp. 3891-3892.
ISBN 9780998133140
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Dahm, Maria and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew (2021) Just Talk to me - A Qualitative Study of Patient Satisfaction in Emergency Departments. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) MedInfo'21 "One World, One Health - Global Partnership for Digital Innovation" ; Paper 306, October, 2-4, 2021, (virtual).
- Haug, Maximilian and Lanza, Jaro and Gewald, Heiko (2021) Only If It Affects Me! The Influence of Privacy on Different Adoption Phases. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 42nd nternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) "Building Sustainability and Resilience with IS", December, 12-15, 2021, Austin, TX, USA, Paper 1935. ISBN 9781733632591
- Jussli, Alexandra and Gewald, Heiko (2021) Senior DT- A Design Thinking Method to Improve Requirements Engineering for Elderly Citizens. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW) ; Vol. 1, September, 20-24, 2021, Notre Dame, IN, USA, pp. 240-247. ISBN 9781665418980
- Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2021) Transforming Disciplined IT Functions: Guidelines for DevOps Integration. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Balancing Agile and Disciplined Engineering and Management Approaches for IT Services and Software Products / Mora, Manuel et al. (Eds). Hershey: IGI Global, pp. 293-306. ISBN 9781799841654
- Hanesch, Antonia and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2021) Will They Like It? Understanding Customer Adoption of Connected Car Services within Automotive Aftersales. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 18th Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (itAIS), October, 15 - 16, 2021, Trento, Italy (on-site and online).
- Schroeder, Tanja and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2021) The difference between motivation and volition matters! - A qualitative study on mobile health application adoption. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) "Human values crisis in digitizing world", June 14-16, 2021, Marrakech, Marokko (online).
- Schroeder, Tanja and Gewald, Heiko and Weeger, Andy
A research model to explain acceptance of speech therapy devices by senior aphasia patients. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 1st Int. Workshop on Design and Use of Digital Services to Empower Healthcare and Wellbeing (DUDE). In conjunction with the 11th ICTH., November 1-4, 2021, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 287-294.
(Procedia Computer Science; 198).
ISBN / ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko and Brune, Philipp (2020) Retweeting in the Age of Fake News - A Cognitive Style Perspective. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 17th Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (itAIS) "Organizing in a digitized world: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion", October, 16 - 17, 2020, Pescara, Italy.
- Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko and Böhm, Markus and Krcmar, Helmut
Smart Mobility: Contradictions in Value Co-Creation. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information Systems Frontiers.
ISSN 1387-3326
Volltext abrufen - Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Understanding How DevOps Aligns Development and Operations: A Tripartite Model of Intra-IT Alignment. (öffnet neues Fenster)
European Journal of Information Systems : EJIS, 29 (5).
pp. 458-473.
ISSN 0960-085X
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Rössler, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2020) How Users Perceive Privacy and Security Risks Concerning Smart Speakers. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 15-17, 2020, Marrakech, Marokko (online). ISBN 9781733632515
- Zimmermann, Sina and Schulz, Thomas and Ikonomou, Georgios and Gewald, Heiko (2020) Impediments of Intermodal Mobility: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 20-24, 2020, Dubai, UAE. ISBN 9781733632539
- Zimmermann, Sina and Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko (2020) Salient Attributes of Mobility Apps: What Does Really Matter for the Citizen? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 20-24, 2020, Dubai, UAE. ISBN 9781733632539
- Schulz, Thomas and Böhm, Markus and Gewald, Heiko and Celik, Zehra and Krcmar, Helmut
The Negative Effects of Institutional Logic Multiplicity on Service Platforms in Intermodal Mobility Ecosystems. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 62 (5).
pp. 417-433.
ISSN 1867-0202 (Online)
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Rössler, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko
Identification and Influence of Perceived Risks on Smart Speaker Use Behavior. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2020), 9.-11. März 2020, Potsdam, Germany, pp. 1325-1331.
Volltext abrufen - Zimmermann, Sina and Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko
Conflicting Roles of CIOs and their Negative Effects on the Workplace of the Future. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 7-10, 2020, Maui, HI, USA.
ISBN 9780998133133
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2020) Feeling Younger? An Investigation of Cognitive Age on IT Use. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceeings of the) International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS), February, 5-7, 2020, Bogota, Columbia, pp. 320-329. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series; 1137). ISBN 9783030406899
- Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly
Introduction to the Seniors' Use of Digital Resources Minitrack. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 7-10th, 2020, Maui, HI, USA.
ISBN 9780998133133
Volltext abrufen - Wang, Xuequn and Gewald, Heiko and Lin, Xiaolin and Prentice, Catherine
Too old to shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 53rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 7-10, 2020, Maui, Hawaii.
ISBN 9780998133133
Volltext abrufen - Schulz, Thomas and Böhm, Markus and Gewald, Heiko
Information Technology Choice in Mobility Service Ecosystems: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) "Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global", December 13-16, 2020, Virtual, Paper 1650.
Volltext abrufen - Schroeder, Tanja and Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2020) Technostress: a qualitative Research on Negative Health Impacts of Mobile Health Applications. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 11th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), October, 8-10, 2020, Washington D.C., USA (online), pp. 20-21.
- Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Thatcher, Jason B. and Gewald, Heiko (2019) A Control-Alignment Model for Product Orientation in DevOps Teams–A Multinational Case Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 40th International Conference on information Systems (ICIS), 15.-18. Dezember 2019, München, Germany. ISBN 9780996683197
- Haug, Maximilian and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Gewald, Heiko and Burth, Laura (2019) Adoption of Mobile Health Applications against Alzheimer’s Disease. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 10th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), November, 15-16, 2019, Washington D.C, USA.
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2019) Individual Fitness App Use: The Role of Goal Orientations and Motivational Affordances. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019, August, 15-17, 2019, Cancún, México. ISBN 9780996683180
- Hund, Axel and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Gewald, Heiko (2019) The Impact of Digitization on Contemporary Innovation Management. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019, August, 15-17, 2019, Cancun, Mexico. ISBN 9780996683180
- Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Gewald, Heiko and Moos, Bernhard and Wiedemann, Anna (2019) The Influence of Inter-Organizational Alignment on Consultancy Project Success. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019, August, 15-17, 2019, Cancun, Mexico. ISBN 9780996683180
- Gewald, Heiko and Wagner, Heinz-Theo and Wolff, Bastian (2019) The Catalyzing Role of FinTechs for Innovation Sourcing in Financial Services. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2019, July, 8-12, 2019, Xi'an, China.
- Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly
Introduction to the Minitrack on Seniors' Use of Digital Resources. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 8 - 11, 2019, Grand Wailea, HI, USA, p. 4286.
ISBN 9780998133126
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko
Why do I rate? - Shedding Light on the Factors Influencing the Participation on Physician Rating Websites. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 8 - 11, 2019, Grand Wailea, HI, USA.
ISBN 9780998133126
Volltext abrufen - Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko and Burth, Laura
Why do I feel younger? – A critical view on cognitive age and IT adoption. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: The 5th International Workshop on Adults Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH), November, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 433-438.
(Procedia Computer Science; 160).
ISBN / ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen - Schulz, Thomas and Böhm, Markus and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2019) Door-to-Door Mobility Integrators as Keystone Organizations of Smart Ecosystems: Resources and Value Co-Creation – A Literature Review. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 14th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 23.-27. Februar.2019, Siegen, Germany.
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko and Brune, Philipp
Gesundheitsbezogene IT-Nutzung im Altersübergang – Ursachen und Auswirkungen Individueller Differenzen. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Der Altersübergang als Neuarrangement von Arbeit und Leben: Kooperative Dienstleistungen für das Alter(n) in Vielfalt / Schneider, Werner ; Stadelbacher, Stephanie (Hrsg.).
Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 177-198.
ISBN 9783658219741
Volltext abrufen - Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2019) Implementing the Planning Process within DevOps Teams to Achieve Continuous Innovation. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 52nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January 8 - 11, 2019, Grand Wailea; Hi, USA.
- Wiedemann, Anna and Forsgren, Nicole and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut
Research for Practice : The Devops Phenomenon. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Communications of the ACM : CACM, 62 (8).
pp. 44-49.
ISSN 1557-7317
Volltext abrufen
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko and Gewald, Corinna (2018) Technology Use in Healthcare - An Activity-Theoretical Extension. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December, 13-16, 2018, San Francisco, USA. ISBN 9781510881044
- Polzer, Nina and Gewald, Heiko
Can Cognitive Assessments be Fun? A Review of Playful Mobile Applications to Assess Cognitive Health. (öffnet neues Fenster)
PSAKU International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research : PSAKUIJIR, 8 (1).
ISSN 2286-959X
Volltext abrufen - Pflug, Franziska and Gewald, Heiko (2018) Einfluss der vertraglichen Zielgestaltung auf den wahrgenommenen Outsourcing-Erfolg: Eine explorative Analyse im deutschen Bankensektor. (öffnet neues Fenster) BIT - Banking and Information Technology, 2018 (2). pp. 49-59.
- Demirbas, Ugur and Gewald, Heiko and Moos, Bernhard (2018) The Impact of Digital Transformation on Sourcing Strategies in the Financial Services Sector: Evolution or Revolution? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 16-18, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2018) Activity Tracking Affordances: Identification and Instrument Development. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 26-30, 2018, Yokohama, Japan. ISBN 9784902590838
- Rockmann, Robert and Salou, Tanja and Gewald, Heiko (2018) If You Are Happy and DON’T Know IT: Continuance? Analyzing Emotion Carry-Over Effects in Activity Tracking Continuance Decisions. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June 26-30, 2018, Yokohama, Japan. ISBN 9784902590838
- Schulz, Thomas and Gewald, Heiko and Böhm, Markus (2018) The Long and Winding Road to Smart Integration of Door-to-Door Mobility Services: An Analysis of the Hindering Influence of Intra-Role Conflicts. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 23-28, 2018, Portsmouth, UK, Paper 129. ISBN 9781861376671
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko and Haug, Maximilian (2018) Equal Access for Everyone? A Digital Divide Cascade for Retired Senior Citizens. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 23-28, 2018, Portsmouth, UK. ISBN 9781861376671
- Baumann, Christian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) What Motivates Crowdsourcing Contributors? A Cross-Platform Comparative Analysis. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 26-30, 2018, Yokohama, Japan. ISBN 9784902590838
- Weeger, Andy and Wang, Xuequn and Gewald, Heiko and Raisinghani, Mahesh and Sanchez, Otavio and Grant, Gerald and Pittayachawan, Siddhi
Determinants of Intention to Participate in Corporate BYOD-Programs: The Case of Digital Natives. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information Systems Frontiers, online (first).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1387-3326
Volltext abrufen - Swoboda, Walter and Holl, Felix and Pohlmann, Stefan and Denkinger, Michael and Hehl, Anja and Brönner, Monika and Gewald, Heiko (2018) A digital speech assistant for the elderly. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2018, April 24-26th, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Pflug, Franziska and Gewald, Heiko
Einfluss der vertraglichen Zielgestaltung auf den wahrgenommenen Outsourcing-Erfolg - Eine explorative Analyse im deutschen Bankensektor. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, 6.-9. März 2018, Lüneburg, Germany, pp. 1197-1208.
ISBN 9783935786720
Volltext abrufen - Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2018) How Do IT-related Traits Drive the Internet Use of Mature Adults? The Interplay of Curiosity and Control. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 51st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 3-6, 2018, Waikoloa, HI, USA. ISBN 9781510856554
- Gewald, Heiko and Gewald, Corinna (2018) Inhibitors of Physicians’ Use of Mandatory Hospital Information Systems (HIS). (öffnet neues Fenster) International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics : IJHISI, 13 (1). pp. 29-44. ISSN 1555-3396
- Gewald, Heiko and Vogel, Doug and Bozan, Karoly (2018) Introduction to the Minitrack on Senior's Use of Health Information Technology. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, 2018, Waikoloa, HI, USA, pp. 3014-3015. ISBN 9781510856554
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) Are you the Reason Fake News exists? Investigating News Sharing Attitude on Twitter. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December, 13-16, 2018, San Francisco, USA. ISBN 9781510881044
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) Friendly Equals Competent? - The Role of the Doctor-Patient Relationship in Physician Ratings. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research, Buffalo, USA.
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko and Rockmann, Robert (2018) Grandma’s New Tablet – The Role of Mobile Devices in Trying to Innovate in IT. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: The 9th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2018) / The 8th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare / Workshop 4th auICTH, November, 5-8, 2018, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 460-465. ISBN / ISSN 1877-0509 (Procedia Computer Science ; 141)
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) How to Rate a Physician? - A Framework for Physician Ratings and What They Mean. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 15th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS), October, 12-13, 2018, Pavia, Italy.
- Wiedemann, Anna and Wiesche, Manuel and Gewald, Heiko and Krcmar, Helmut (2018) Integrating DevOps within IT Organizations – Key Pattern of a Case Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle (PVM), 15.-16. Oktober 2018, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 157-168. ISBN 9783885796800
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) Is 60 the new 40? An Assessment of the Measures of Cognitive Age vs. Chronological Age. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 9th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), October, 19-20, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.
- Stark, Benjamin and Gewald, Heiko and Heinrich, Lautenbacher and Ulrich, Haase and Siegmar, Ruff (2018) Misuse of ‘Break-the-Glass’ Policies in Hospitals: Detecting Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Patient Health Data. (öffnet neues Fenster) International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 12 (3). pp. 100-122. ISSN 1930-1650
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2018) To eWOM, or not? Investigating the Restricting Factors to Provide Online Ratings for Physicians. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 16-18, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 3784-3793. ISBN 9781510870161
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Is IT What You Make out of IT? On Affordances, Goals, and Positive and Negative Consequences in Activity Tracking. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December, 10-13, 2017, Seoul, South Korea. ISBN 9781510853690
- Gewald, Heiko and Wang, Xuequn and Weeger, Andy and Raisinghani, Mahesh and Grant, Gerald and Sanchez, Otavio and Pittayachawan, Siddhi (2017) Millennials’ Attitude towards Information Technology in the Workplace – A Generation of Cherry-Pickers? (öffnet neues Fenster) Communications of the ACM, 60 (10). pp. 62-69. ISSN 0001-0782
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2017) What Satisfies the Patient? An Analysis of Factors Influencing Pa-tients’ Online Ratings. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), Washington, D.C., USA.
- Polzer, Nina and Gewald, Heiko
A Structured Analysis of Smartphone Applications to Early
Diagnose Alzheimer ́s Disease or Dementia. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Procedia Computer Science, 113.
pp. 448-453.
ISSN 1877-0509
Volltext abrufen - Bregant, Rebecca and Jandl, Claudia and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2017) How To Manage The Segement-Of-One? A Framework To Reduce Customer Complexity. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), 05 Jun - 10 Jun 2017, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 98-113. ISBN 978989207655
- Gewald, Heiko and Currie, Wendy (2017) Introduction to the Seniors' Use of Health Information Technology Minitrack. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 50th Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2017, Big Island, HI, USA. ISBN 9780998133102
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Older Adults’ Use of Online Health Information – Do They Even Try? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 50th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2017, Waikoloa, HI, USA. ISBN 9780998133102
- Wiedemann, Anna and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Examining Cross-Domain Alignment: The Correlation of Business Strategy, IT Management, and IT Business Value. (öffnet neues Fenster) International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance :IJITBAG, 8 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1947-962X (online)
- Wang, Xuequn and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Factors Driving Employee Participation in Corporate BYOD Programs: A Cross-national Comparison from the Perspective of Future Employees. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 21.
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1449-8618
Volltext abrufen - Balss, Nicolas and Gewald, Heiko (2017) A Framework for Categorizing Startup Companies. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: International Academy of Management and Business Conference (AOMB), January, 18-20, 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Wiedemann, Anna and Gewald, Heiko and Weeger, Andy
How IT Management Profile and IT Business Value Correlate – Exploring Cross-Domain Alignment. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2017, Waikoloa, HI, USA, pp. 5195-5204.
ISBN 9780998133102
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Rockmann, Robert (2017) How does Previous Work Experience affect the Internet Use of Senior Citizens? A Conceptual Research Model. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 6th EEM International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, Tourism & Education (EEM-HLSTE, October 29-30, 2017, Casablanca, Morocco.
- Denker, Dominic and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Influential Factors for Patients’ Online Ratings of General Practitioners. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 5th International Conference on Research in Information Systems (ICRIIS) "Societal Transformation through Data Science”, July, 16-17, 2017, Langkawi, Malaysia.
- Gewald, Heiko and Nunez, Alicia and Gewald, Corinna and Vriesman, Leah (2017) An International Comparison of Factors Inhibiting Physicians' use of Hospital Information Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM), May 17-19, 2017, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Gewald, Heiko and Gewald, Corinna (2017) Physician’s Use of Mandatory Information Systems: An Exploratory Research in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 50th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2017, Waikoloa, HI, USA. ISBN 9780998133102
- Schäfer, Leonie and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Quo Vadis Outsourcing? A Research Agenda. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Academic Workshop at the Outsourcing World Summit (OWS), February 19-22, 2017, San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Gewald, Heiko and Schäfer, Leonie (2017) Quo vadis outsourcing? A view from practice. (öffnet neues Fenster) Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10 (1). pp. 2-17. ISSN 2398-5364
- Gewald, Heiko and Schäfer, Leonie and Weeger, Andy (2017) Top Trends and Topics for Outsourcing Managers – A Longitudinal Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 10-12, 2017, Boston, MA. ISBN 9780996683142
- Boll, Friederike and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2017) Towards Your Parents' Social Network Platform – A User Interface for the Age of Retirement. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 50th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, 2017, Waikoloa, HI, USA.
- Haug, Maximilian and Gewald, Heiko (2017) What Satisfies the Patient? An Analysis of Factors Influencing Patients’ Online Ratings. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: 8th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), November, 3-4, 2017, Washington, DC, USA.
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko and Gewald, Corinna (2016) Is It That Only Money Matters? A Cross-national Analysis of Health Information System Usage. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Pre-ICIS AIS SIG Health Workshop, December, 11, 2016, Dublin, IRL.
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko
Examining Older Adults’ Enhanced Use of eHealth. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adults Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH), London.
Volltext abrufen - Denker, Dominic and Gewald, Heiko (2016) Factors Determining Patients' Online Ratings for General Practitioners – An Exploratory Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE) "Health Care Poised for Big Data ‘Arms Race’", October, 21-22, 2016, Washington, D.C..
- Gewald, Heiko and Gewald, Corinna and Vriesman, Leah (2016) Inhibitors to Working with Hospital Information Systems – A Cross-national Analysis -. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 11-14, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 1191-1200. ISBN 9781510826878
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2016) Technology-Mediated Health Activities: An Exploratory Study on Older Adults. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 11-14, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 1273-1282. ISBN 9781510826878
- Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2016) The Role of Cognitive Age as Predictor of Individual Differences and Use of E-Health by the Elderly. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 12-15, 2016, Istanbul,Turkey.
- Reiz, Arnold and Gewald, Heiko (2016) Physicians' Resistance towards Information Systems in Healthcare: The Case of Workarounds. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 26 - July, 1, 2016, Chiayi, Taiwan. ISBN 9789860491029
- Gewald, Heiko and Rockmann, Robert (2016) Mature Adults' Use of Digital Health Services - The Role of Prior Computer Experience on eHealth Adoption. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM), May 18-20, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Gewald, Heiko and Rockmann, Robert (2016) Digital Services for the Aging Society: The Impact of Previous Workplace Priviliges on Mature Adults’ Use of the Internet. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 10th International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments (ICDS), April, 24-28, 2016, Venice, Italy, pp. 56-64. ISBN 9781510823082
- Gewald, Heiko and Vriesman, Leah and Rockmann, Robert (2016) eHealth Use by Mature Adults – Does One-Size Fit All? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: AUPHA Academic Forum at Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), February 29 – March 4, 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
- Rockmann, Robert and Tuna, Vanessa and Boll, Friederike and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2016) Eine Online-Plattform unterstützt bei der Vernetzung und bringt Angebot und Nachfrage zusammen. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: FISnet – Flexible, individualisierte Service-Netzwerke. Broschüre II: Erste Ergebnisse aus Forschung und Praxis. Universität Augsburg, Professur für Soziologie/Sozialkunde, pp. 53-63.
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko (2015) Acceptance and Use of Electronic Medical Records: An Exploratory Study of Hospital Physicians’ Salient Beliefs about HIT Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster) Health Systems, 4 (1). pp. 64-81. ISSN 2047-6965
- Amann, Roland and Franzreb, Danny and Gewald, Heiko and Jacob, Olaf and Reisach, Ulrike and Weilemann, Mitja
HNU e-Learning Modell. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Working Paper, Nr. 34, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Volltext abrufen - Lenz, Tobias and Gewald, Heiko and Coccorullo, Sascha
Concept for a Multimodal Business Travel Portal: Identification of a Holistic Business Travel Process and the Required Functional Building Blocks. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 48t hHawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 5-8, 2015, Koloa, HI, USA, pp. 1410-1421.
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Xuequn, Wang and Gewald, Heiko and Otavio, Sanchesz and Mahesh S., Raisinghani and Gerald, Grant and Siddhi, Pittayachawan (2015) Determinants of Intention to Participate in Corporate BYOD-Programs – The Case of Digital Natives. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), August, 7-11, 2015, Vancouver, CAN.
- Weber, Michael and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Disruptions of the Tripartite Structure of System Usage: Exploring Factors Influencing the Effective Usage of Information Systems in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May, 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany.
ISBN 9783000502842
Volltext abrufen - Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko
The Effect of Previous Work Experience on eHealth Adoption of the Elderly. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: 6th Annual Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), October 9-10, 2015, Washington, D.C., USA.
Volltext abrufen - Rockmann, Robert and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Elderly People in eHealth: Investigating Internet Self-Efficacy and the Role of
Occupational Internet Usage. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 13-15, 2015, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.
Volltext abrufen - Rockmann, Robert and Gewald, Heiko (2015) Elderly People in eHealth: Who Are They? (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adoption and Usage of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare by the Elderly (auICTH), Berlin.
- Rockmann, Robert and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
IT Capabilities and Organizational Utilization of Public Cloud Computing. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May, 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany.
ISBN 9783000502842
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Xueqhun, Wang and Gewald, Heiko (2015) IT Consumerization: BYOD-Program Acceptance and its Impact on Employer Attractiveness. (öffnet neues Fenster) Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0887-4417
- Weeger, Andy and Ohmayer, Lea and Gewald, Heiko (2015) Operational Alignment in Hospitals – The Role of Social Capital between IT and Medical Departments. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 26.-29. Mai 2015, Münster, Germany. ISBN 9783000502842
- Wiedemann, Anna and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Organizational Structure vs. Capabilities: Examining Critical Success Factors for Managing IT Service Delivery. (öffnet neues Fenster)
International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, 6 (1).
pp. 49-69.
ISSN 1947-9611
Volltext abrufen - Wiedemann, Anna and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko (2015) Organizational Structure vs. Capabilities: Examining Critical Success Factors for Managing IT Service Delivery. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January, 5-8, 2015, Kauai, HI, USA.
- Weeger, Andy and Neff, Anja and Gewald, Heiko and Haase, Ulrich
Exploring Determinants of Effective Use: The Role of Misfits between a Hospital and its Information Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), 26. - 28. Februar 2014, Paderborn, Germany.
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Wagenknecht, Daniel and Schumacher, Bernd
Das IT Operating Model als methodisches Werkzeug des CIO. (öffnet neues Fenster)
CIO-Handbuch 2014/2015 - So positionieren Sie sich als erfolgreicher IT-Manager..
pp. 171-189.
Standort und Verfügbarkeit in der Bibliothek - Keppeler, Jonas and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko (2014) Description and Retrieval Model for Web Services including Extended Semantic and Commercial Attributes. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE 8th Interntional Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2014), April, 7-11, 2014, Oxford, GB, pp. 258-265.
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Factors Influencing Future Employees’ Decision-Making to Participate in a BYOD Program: Does Risk Matter? (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 9-11, 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel.
ISBN 9780991556700
Volltext abrufen - Weber, Michael and Gewald, Heiko (2014) "I don't have time for that" - Examining the Impact of Training on Physician's Task Performance". (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), Washington, D.C..
- Rockmann, Robert and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Identifying Organizational Capabilities for the Enterprise-Wide Usage of Cloud Computing. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 24-28, ,2014, Chengdu, China.
Volltext abrufen - Köpf, Fabian and Gewald, Heiko and Brune, Philipp (2014) The Impact of Educational Background on Working Relationships in Offshoring Projects. (öffnet neues Fenster) New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, 1. pp. 31-42.
- Neff, Anja and Gewald, Heiko and Haase, Ulrich (2014) Why Do They Resist? – Examining Salient Factors Influencing Physicians’ Adoption Behavior Using a Case Study Approach. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June, 24-28, ,2014, Chengdu, China.
- Loose, Michael and Gewald, Heiko and Weeger, Andy
Determinants of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Adoption from the Perspective of future Employees. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Working Paper, Nr. 25, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Volltext abrufen - Schöpple, Martin and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko
BPM, Open Source and SOA - Mission Impossible? (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2013, March, 13-15, 2013, Lisbon, PRT, pp. 183-190.
ISBN 9789728939830
Volltext abrufen - Loose, Michael and Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko (2013) BYOD - The next big thing in recruiting? Determinants of IT-Consumerization Adoption from the Perspective of Future Employees. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 15-17, 2013, Chicago, ILL, USA. ISBN 9780615559070
- Rieger, Phillip and Gewald, Heiko and Schumacher, Bernd
Cloud-Computing in Banking - Influential Factors, Benefits and Risks from a Decision Maker's Perspective. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 15-17, 2013, Chicago, ILL, USA.
ISBN 9780615559070
Volltext abrufen - Pilz, Dennis and Gewald, Heiko
Does Money Matter? Motivational Factors for Participation in Paid- and Non-Profit-Crowdsourcing Communities. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the ) 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) ; Vol. 1, 27. Februar – 1. März 2013, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 577-592.
ISBN 9783000413599
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko
Examining Social and Cognitive Aspects Determining Physician's Adoption of Electronic Medical Records. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 5-8, 2013, Utrecht, NL.
ISBN 9789039361122
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko (2013) New Sourcing - A Research Agenda Guided by Practice. (öffnet neues Fenster) Project Report, EFL-Quarterly: an E-Finance Lab publication.
- Gewald, Heiko and Jacob, Olaf (2013) Pre-Adoption Motives for Successful eLearning - A Case Study of Socially Deprived Users in South Africa. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE African Conference (AFRICON) "Sustainable engineering for a better future", September, 2-9, 2013, Mauritius, Africa.
- Gewald, Heiko and Rouse, Anne (2012) Comparing Business Process and IT Outsourcing Risks - An Exploratory Study in Germany and Australasia. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) ; Vol. 1, January, 4-7, 2012, Maui, HI, USA, pp. 275-284. ISBN 9780769545257
- Thorogood, Alan and Gewald, Heiko and Brune, Philipp (2012) IT Operating Models in Practice and Research: An Analysis of the State of Knowledge. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July, 11-15, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Gröh, Andreas and Gewald, Heiko and Stuska, Torsten
Next Generation Outsourcing - A Research Agenda Guided by Practice. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July, 11-15, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Volltext abrufen - Birkle, Matthias and Gewald, Heiko (2012) Open Innovation - Adoption Process and Current Status in German SMEs. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), August, 22-24, 2012, Macau, China.
- Gewald, Heiko and Birkle, Matthias
Open Innovation in the German SME Sector - Development and Test of a Diffusion Model. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Progress in Machines and Systems (PMS), 1 (2).
pp. 52-63.
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko (2012) Why do They Resist? Analyzing Physicians' Technology Adoption Behavior Using Social Cognitive Theory and the UTAUT-Model. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), Washington, DC, USA.
- Wiedemann, Tobias and Brune, Philipp and Gewald, Heiko
A Question of Methodology – Creating a Customized Rollout-Method for a Collaboration Portal in a Distributed Environment. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 9-11, 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
ISBN 9789526035741
Volltext abrufen - Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko and Vriesman, Leah (2011) Adoption or Resistance? Hospital Physicians' Acceptance of Electronic Medical Records. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), Washington, DC, USA.
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko and Vriesman, Leah (2011) Do Risk Perceptions Influence Physician's Resistance to Use Electronic Medical Records? An Exploratory Research in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 4-8, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA.
- Weeger, Andy and Gewald, Heiko and Vriesman, Leah
Do Risk Perceptions Influence Physician's Resistance to Use Electronic Medical Records? An Exploratory Research in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 4-8, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA, pp. 899-908.
ISBN 9781618390981
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko (2011) Nutzen- und Risikopotentiale der Auslagerung von Geschäftsprozessen : Eine Bestandsaufnahme der deutschen Kreditwirtschaft. (öffnet neues Fenster) Controlling & Management Review : Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management, 55. pp. 47-54. ISSN 2195-8262
- Gewald, Heiko and Wagner, Heinz-Theo
A Research Model for Measuring IT Efficiency in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Theory-Guided Modeling and Empiricism in Information Systems Research / Heinzl, Armin et al. (Eds).
Heidelberg: Physica, pp. 175-185.
ISBN 9783790827811
Standort und Verfügbarkeit in der Bibliothek
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Wagner, Heinz-Theo (2011) A Research Model for Measuring IT-Efficiency in German Hospitals. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 9-11, 2011, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 9789526035741
- Gewald, Heiko
The Benefits of Business Process Outsourcing. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Strategic Outsourcing an International Journal (SOIJ), 3(2).
pp. 89-105.
Volltext abrufen
- Gewald, Heiko and Dibbern, Jens
Risks and Benefits of Business Process Outsourcing:
A study of Transaction Services in the German Banking Industry. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information and Management (I&M), 46 (4).
pp. 249-257.
ISSN 0378-7206
Volltext abrufen
- Gewald, Heiko and Gellrich, Tom
The Impact of Perceived Risk on the Capital Market's Reaction to Outsourcing Announcements. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Information Technology and Management (IT&M), 8.
pp. 279-296.
ISSN 1385-951X (Print)
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Franke, Jochen
The Risks of Business Process Outsourcing: A Two-Fold Assessment in the German Banking Industry. (öffnet neues Fenster)
International Journal of Electronic Finance : IJEF, 1 (4).
pp. 420-441.
ISSN 1746-0069 (Print)
Volltext abrufen
- Gewald, Heiko (2006) Assessing the benefits and risks of business process outsourcing in the German banking industry. (öffnet neues Fenster) Dissertation thesis, Universität Frankfurt (am Main).
- Wüllenweber, Kim and Gewald, Heiko and Franke, Jochen and Weitzel, Tim and König, Wolfgang (2006) Business Process Outsourcing: Eine Nutzen- und Risikoanalyse in der deutschen Bankenbranche. (öffnet neues Fenster) Norderstedt: Books on Demand. ISBN 9783833464393
- Gewald, Heiko and Yetton, Philip
Differences in Benefit Perception According to Alternative Statuses of Business Process Outsourcing Adoption. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 4-6, 2006, Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 1027-1039.
ISBN 9781604236262
Volltext abrufen - Franke, Jochen and Gewald, Heiko (2006) Does Experience Matter? Sources of Outsourcing Experience and its Impact on Outsourcing Attitude - Empirical Evidence from the German Banking Industry –. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, 4-6, 2006, Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 3148-3157. ISBN 9781604236262
- Hinz, Daniel and Gewald, Heiko (2006) Employing Bayesian Belief Networks for Measuring the Operational Risk of Information Systems. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June, 12-14, 2006, Göteborg, Sweden. ISBN 9789163198946
- Gewald, Heiko and Helbig, Kay (2006) A Governance Model for Managing Outsourcing Partnerships. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 39th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), January, 4 - 7, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.
- Gewald, Heiko and Wüllenweber, Kim and Weitzel, Tim
The Influence of Perceived Risk on Banking Managers’ Intention to Outsource Business Processes. (öffnet neues Fenster)
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research : JECR, 7 (2).
ISSN 1526-6133 (print)
Volltext abrufen - Hinz, Daniel and Gewald, Heiko (2006) The Next Wave in IT Infrastructure Risk Management - A Causal Modeling Approach with Bayesian Belief Networks. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 17th Annual IRMA International Conference on "Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management" ; Paper 35, May, 21-24, 2006, Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 9781616921286
- Gewald, Heiko and Lammers, Markus (2006) The Strategic Sourcing Decision - An Extension of the Classical Make or Buy Decision -. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 7th Annual Global Information Technology Management Conference (GITMA), Orlando, FL, USA.
- Wüllenweber, Kim and Gewald, Heiko and Franke, Jochen and Weitzel, Tim (2005) Abschlussbericht der empirischen Studie zur Auslagerung von Geschäftsprozessen in den 200 größten deutschen Banken. (öffnet neues Fenster) Working Paper, E-FinanceLab.
- Gewald, Heiko and Franke, Jochen (2005) A Comparison of the Risks in Information Technology Outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 11-14, 2005, Omaha, NE, USA.
- Gewald, Heiko and Gellrich, Tom (2005) The Impact of Perceived Risk on the Capital Market's Reaction on Outsourcing Announcements. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July, 7-10, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Gewald, Heiko (2005) The Influence of Perceived Risk and Perceived Usefulness on Manager's Attitude towards Business Process Outsourcing. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 11-14, 2005, Omaha, NE, USA.
- Gellrich, Tom and Gewald, Heiko (2005) Sourcing Risk and the Capital Market's Perspective. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 6th Annual Global Information Technology Management Conference (GITMA).
- Gellrich, Tom and Gewald, Heiko
Sourcing, Risk and the Financial Market. (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 13h European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May, 26-28, 2005, Regensburg, Germany.
ISBN 3937195092
Volltext abrufen - Gewald, Heiko and Lammers, Markus (2005) What is Core? The Concept of Core Competencies Applied to Different Modes of Production. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) San Diego International Systems Conference (SISC), San Diego, CA, USA.
- Gewald, Heiko and Hinz, Daniel (2004) A Framework for Classifying the Operational Risks of Outsourcing. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 8th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS), July, 8-11, 2004, Shanghai, China.
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