In­sti­tuts­be­rich­te & Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen


Unser jährlicher Institutsbericht umfasst unsere aktuellen Forschungsprojekte und informiert über das internationale Partnernetzwerk, wissenschaftliche Publikationen und viele weitere Themen, die das vergangene Jahr am Afrika-Institut geprägt haben. Dazu gehören auch Veranstaltungen wie der Afrika-Tag sowie Exkursionen, Messen und Konferenzbesuche. Dabei blicken wir auf eine ereignisreiche und prosperierende Zeit zurück und möchten uns bei allen Beteiligten für die großartige Zusammenarbeit bedanken!


2020 - 2024

  • Robertson, V., Majiwa, E., Taremwa, N.K. (2024). Exploring Circular Economy Awareness, Perceptions and Practices in Selected Urban Slums in Kigali City of Rwanda. In: Okyere, S.A., Abunyewah, M., Erdiaw-Kwasie, M.O., Boateng, F.G. (eds) Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. Springer, Singapore.
  • Miller, V., & Pätzmann, J. U. (2023) Archetypical Roles in Startups: Eight Personality Traits You Need in Your Founding Team (1. Ed.), In: Business Guides on the Go, Springer International Publishing.
  • Kim, S.K., N. Taremwa, H. Vasanthakaalam, T. Bayer, V. Miller, E. Majiwa, and I. Macharia. (2023) Evidence of Circular Business Model Innovation in Agribusinesses in Rwanda, In: Proceedings of the ISPIM Innovation Conference Ljubljana - „Innovation and Circular Economy“, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Meyer, D., Wyngaard, R., Njenga, J., Grinninger, J., Vogt, J., Bagula, A (2022) Hackathons thrills not only nerds: best practices for a multicultural and multidisciplinary approach, In: Proceedings of 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, IATED. 10.21125/iceri.2022.2026
  • Westfahl, S., Meyer-Renner, D., Bagula, A. (2022) Framework for the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a multi-variant Augmented Reality Application, In: 14th ITU Academic Conference: Extended reality − How to boost quality of experince and interoperability, ITU - International Telecommunication Union. 10.23919/ITUK56368.2022.10003044
  • Steurer, E., Hoeck, I., Keßler, F. (2022) Top 10 Business Model Ideas for Productive Use in Sub-Saharan Africa, In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference: Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland.
  • Hoeck I, Steurer E (2021) Advancing Off-Grid Electrification by Uncovering the Holistic Risk Landscape Using a Standardized Risk Management Procedure (SRMP). In: Smart Metering Technology [Working Title]. IntechOpen DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98040
  • Hoeck I, Steurer E, Dolunay Ö, Ileka H (2021) Challenges for off-grid electrification in rural areas. Assessment of the situation in Namibia using the examples of Gam and Tsumkwe. Energy, Ecology and Environment.
  • Steurer, Elmar (2021). "Ländliche Elektrifizierung in entlegenen Gebieten Afrikas - Erkenntnisse anhand eines Fallbeispiels in Namibia." VAA-Jahrbuch 2021. Green Deal: Chance für EU und Afrika? Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie e.V. Download:
  • Wagemann, Bernard (2021) "Afrika - Schicksalskontinent für Europa? Warum Europa ohne eine enge Verzahnung mit Afrika der Machtpolitik Chinas ausgeliefert sein wird." VAA-Jahrbuch 2021. Green Deal: Chance für EU und Afrika? Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie e.V. Download:

2017 - 2019

Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen des HNU Afri­ka-In­sti­tuts

  • Wagemann, Bernard and Manetsgruber, David (2019) Insights from a factfinding Mission to a remote area of Namibia. In: (Proceedings of the) 2nd International Conference on Economics, Management and Technology (IEMT) "Bridging Entrepreneurship and Social Innovations", November, 19-21, 2019, Neu-Ulm, Germany, p. 234.
  • Cubillas, Leonicio and Steurer, Elmar (2019) Solar Technologies for Off-grid Rural Fishing Communities.  PSAKU International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 8 (1).
  • Wagemann, Bernard (2018) The development of an Applied Entrepreneurship Academy at the Kenyatta University in Nairobi – A multiannual project for organizational learning on business development based on international and multidisciplinary knowledge exchange.Project Report.
  • Steurer, Elmar and Selomie, Daniel and Wagemann, Bernard (2017) Productive use of renewably energy supporting applied entrepreneurship. Lessons learned from a development project in rural Ethiopia.  In: (Proceedings of the) 5th Annual Conference “Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa” between the University of Nairobi, Kenya, the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, November, 10-11, 2016, Sankt Augustin, Germany, pp. 7-24. ISBN 9783960430421.
  • Steurer, Elmar and Manetsgruber, David and Wagemann, Bernard (2017) Standardized Risk Management Procedure (SRMP) for Mini Grids - Case Study: Mini-Grid Sunderbans, West Bengal, India;.  In: (Proceedings of the) International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES17), April, 21-24, 2017, Beirut, Lebanon, pp. 86-97.

bis 2016

  • Wagemann, Bernard and Manetsgruber, David (2016) Risk Management for Mini-Grid deployment in rural 
areas.  In: Applied Energy Symposium and Forum, REM2016: Renewable Energy Integration with Mini/Microgrid, Elsevier Ltd, Energy Procedia.
  • Manetsgruber, David and Wagemann, Bernard and Bozhil, Kondev and Dziergwa, Katrin (2015) Risk Management for Mini-Grids : A new approach to guide mini-grid deployment.  Working Paper, Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), Brussels, Belgium.
  • Steurer, Elmar and Manetsgruber, David and Prudence Jouego, Esther (2015) Risk Clustering as a Finance Concept for Rural Electrification in Sub-Suharan Africa to attract international private investors.  Working Paper, Contribution to ARE Newsletter 09/2015 Innovative Financing,.
  • Steurer, Elmar and Manetsgruber, David and Wagemann, Bernard (2014) Risk Mitigation for Mini-Grids by using the PUMA concept as an appropriate business model.Working Paper, Brussels.
  • Steurer, Elmar and Wagemann, Bernard (2013) Application of the hydrothermal carbonization technology to produce electricity by using rice-straw as a renewable energy resource. Working Paper, Nr. 29, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Neu-Ulm.